Our workshops help you with statistics exams and writing term papers. You can register via Jogustine. The SoWi?So! first aid kit provides quick answers to your questions. Counselling service helps you with your individual concerns.
Now I'm doing it right! - Workshops and courses
Statistics workshop for Social Scientists
This course is intended for all students of the Faculty 02 who would like to refresh their knowledge of mathematics before or while attending the introductory statistics course. Quantitative methodology requires certain basic knowledge of school mathematics, which cannot be repeated during the compulsory courses. Furthermore, students in the social sciences also encounter mathematical methods outside of statistics, e.g. in the form of theoretical models. A refresher course is therefore useful for all those who feel somewhat insecure or for whom the school material dates back some time.
- This course will be held in German. Read more
Workshop: Term Papers
At the end of the semester, you have to hand in a term paper, but you don't know how to find a topic and find it difficult to motivate yourself to work? You struggle with the literature research and when you have a text, reading it turns out to be a challenge?
"Thank you for the informative, exciting and very helpful course yesterday. It was very personalised and precise and that helped me incredibly. I sorted out my thoughts first thing this morning at 7am and am now sitting down to work!:)" - feedback from a participant
Workshop: Term Papers for advanced learners - Calmly and successfully completing your degree
Workshop: Term Papers - Academic writing for internationals
You come from abroad and need information and advice on writing term papers? This workshop provides international students (regular and exchange students) with information and individual advice in English. Participants will learn the common requirements for "Hausarbeiten" (term papers) and receive help to find and correctly use suitable literature and develop an outline. Participants can also clarify remaining questions and receive individual guidance.
Für mehr Unterstützung, besuchen Sie unsere Information to go und die Academic Boosting Class.
Mentally fit through your studies: me@JGU
- Impulse lectures
- Coping Strategies
- Practical exercises
- Exchange with the group
- This course will be held in German. Read more
Instant help - information to go
How to study? SoWi?So!- First Aid
Some subjects have specific guidelines and recommendations for writing term papers and for form and citation style. So that you know how to proceed with your next paper, you can find an overview from your respective institutes here. **
** So far, this information is only available in German. English versions will follow soon.
*** If in doubt, please ask your individual lecturers, because there is currently no uniform guideline for sports science; most of the time it is based on the dvs standard linked here.
Practice makes perfect – Writing Tutoring Service
Writing Tutoring Service
Whether you have trouble finding and narrowing down a topic for your upcoming thesis, problems with solving writing inhibitions or struggle with citation rules - we are happy to help. Our one-to-one tutoring service will be available this winter term to answer any questions you may have about term papers.
The dates will be announced soon. Read more
In addition to one-to-one tutoring, JGU offers many other useful services to help you improve your writing skills:
- General Counselling: Student Services (Studierendenservice) and Central Student Advisory Service (zentrale Studienberatung)
- Writing advice: Campus-wide Writing Workshop (Schreibwerkstatt); Writing counselling for non-native speakers
- Financial counselling: Bafög-Service
- Advice from students: AStA and Student Councils (Fachschaften)
- Career entry counselling: Career Service
- Psychological counselling: Psychotherapeutic Counselling Centre
- Advice on accessbility: Service Centre for Barrier-Free Studying
- Counselling for parents: Family Service Office and Autonomous Department for Parents
- Counselling on studying abroad: Erasmus-Office and International Affairs Department (Abteilung Internationales)
We also get in touch with you: Occasion-related SoWi?So! tutoring
There are various reasons why your studies may develop differently from the standard study plan. Often it is an intentional adaptation of the course of study to individual needs. Sometimes, however, students fall behind unintentionally. Exams have been postponed and are piling up, which can create a lot of pressure for you. If students are facing a final module exam after several failed attempts or your JoGuStINe profile has relatively few credit points, we will send them a short, automatically generated info mail with a counselling offer once at the end of each semester. The offer is not obligatory and, of course, the counselling is confidential and independent of your field of study.